The InfraBed King SingleBed or Large size is our premium therapy underlay, sporting a huge 194 cm x 80 cm size, and weighing in at over 20 Kg, The Largest IfraBed is beautifully constructed with Grade A crystal Amethyst in your multi-layered infrared thermal therapy mat. Your new biggest size InfraBed boasts full power though its heavy-duty, time (1 – 3 – 8 hour) and temperature (20C to 70C) controller. The largest people will find the King Single InfraBed ample in size and power and its thermal crystal and heating elements are spread  all the way to the very bottom of the Large King Single 194 cm reach.


Far infrared is deeply penetrating and very comforting. People experience a rapid, comforting, nurturing, deeply warming and relaxing sensation, which promotes relief from muscle tension, joint stiffness, and usually pain relief. People report feeling better and moving better. Many people are so relaxed they can easily fall off to sleep and sleeping problems often disappear. They may report a core feeling like they had been exercising, but without doing any exercise.

BioBlanket Bundle

InfraBed Large – the Infrared Thermal, Amethyst Crystal underlay
BioBlanket Single – Multilayered Bio-Energy Reflective blanket

Useable individually, or together, to help holistic reactivation, a comprehensive ‘multiple elements’ approach to help the body, rebalance itself, to warm itself, and to recover itself better, that includes Far Infra Red, Amethyst crystals, Negative ions, ++.